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Avenue Pierre-Decker,2, Lausanne, VaudSwitzerland

from 23 users
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Enquire for a fast quote ★ Good ServiceScore™ 6.1 from 23 votes ★ Visit our Fertility Clinic - Avenue Pierre-Decker,2, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland.

Popular Treatments

Fertility Specialist Consultation
Egg Donor
IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation
AI - Artificial Insemination
Egg Freezing
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
Vasectomy Reversal
Sperm Freezing
IVM - In Vitro Maturation
See all treatments & prices

About UMR

Treatments Available: IUI IVF ICSI Assisted Hatching Blastocyst Transfer Sperm Aspiration Testicular Biopsy Vasectomy Reversal Rectal Electroejaculation Sperm Freezing Egg Freezing Embryo Freezing Ovarian Tissue Freezing.
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Patient reviews

See what others think about the clinic's customer service:

Gevorg, Switzerland17.11.2011
They are friendly and answer to e-mails on time.
Hornakova, Belgium20.10.2011
Did not answer my questions. Just told me to make an appointment.
Helena, Italy15.09.2011
It was good, with information on their website.
sebastian, Switzerland18.08.2011
Good and effective.

Languages spoken




AI - Artificial Insemination


Egg Donor


Egg Freezing


Fertility Specialist Consultation


Fertility Test


IUI - Intrauterine Insemination


IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation


IVM - In Vitro Maturation


SO-IUI - Superovulation with Intrauterine Insemination


Sperm Assessment


Sperm Freezing


Surgical Sperm Retrieval





Vasectomy Reversal

UMR - Avenue Pierre-Decker,2, Lausanne, Vaud,

Payment information

Credit cards


Private Patients Welcome

Dorothea Wunder-Galié

Job Title:

Dr Marina Bellavia

Job Title:
Dr Marina Bellavia has graduated from medical school at the University of Rome (Italy) « La Sapienza » in 2002. She presently continues her specialist training in gynaecology and obstetrics. With the benefit of a scholarship and in the light of interfaculty collaboration between both universities, Bari and Lausanne, she joined UMR from November 2005 to October 2006. She interferes in routine clinical activities. Dr. Bellavia was promoted assistant from January 2007 and will replace Dr. Ventura during her maternity leave.

Dr Marie-Pierre Primi

Job Title:
Dr Primi has studied biology at the Université Paul Sabathier in Toulouse (France). She obtained her doctorate from the Institut National Polytechnique in Toulouse back in 1986. Prizewinner from the Fondation de l’Industrie Pharmaceutique pour la Recherche, she obtained a 1-year tuition scholarship in London. While she was at it, she was offered the post of Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the London Hospital Medical College for two more years. In Switzerland since 1989, she first occupied a 2 years biologist post within the Gastro-enterology unit of CHUV followed by a 5 years first assistant post at the Faculté de Médecine de Lausanne. From 1997 onwards, she works at the Andrology Laboratory and Reproduction Biology at CHUV whilst until August 2005, she shared her time with the laboratory of the CPMA (Clinic Cecil).
Show Phone Number

Avenue Pierre-Decker,2, Lausanne, VaudSwitzerland

  1. Europe
  2. Switzerland
  3. Fertility Specialists Lausanne